Partner Perks

Keystroke Partner Perks

The Keystroke Partner Program (KPP) was the first of it's kind in the Act! Community, and we're proud of how much it's evolved since it's inception in 2015. The following is a list of some of the partner perks included with KPP membership, not including the annual KPP dinner at the Conference or the Christmas Party each December hosted in Toronto with all the staff, to which all KPP are welcome.

Large Support Network

Direct access by Slack, email, or phone to a network of over forty experienced Act! support professionals, many of whom have advanced knowledge in SQL, hosting, add-ons, development, and scripting.

Lots of Free Software

NFR licensing for all our Keystroke products, including our famous AdminPack collection of ACC utilities that would otherwise cost you hundreds per year.

Cheap & Cheerful ACC Re-certification Process

Steep discounts on your renewal fees, team participation in the recertification process, and we even process the ACC & APT renewals on your behalf.

Diamond Partner Status

Top ranking as a Diamond Partner on for your region, and a guarantee you'll remain as a "managed partner" for as long you're a KPP. 

Fast Commission Payments

Fast payments on all deals as commission payments are made the first two-weeks of the following month after a deal is completed. Payments are made by your choice of PayPal, wire transfer, or cheque.

Keystroke benefits for your customers

Whether it's the Keystroke Customer Portal, the Koncierge Program, our Success Commitment, the Keystroke file download or upload service, advanced scripting & development support, Free monthly Act! classroom training, our Welcome Kit, and our exclusive Growth Suite free perks & provisioning, your customers will enjoy all the benefits our customers always have. Click HERE to learn more about our many exclusive Keystroke customer benefits.

Finally enjoy some guilt-free time off

Have support back-up for your customers when you're away on holidays or off work for health or family reasons. Not only will your customers enjoy uninterrupted service, you'll make commissions while you're away.

Free website & database hosting

You have the option of hosting your business website with us free of charge, or if you don't have one, have us setup a website template for you built on Joomla or WordPress, so you can easily add the content yourself. We'll even register and manage a domain name for you if needed, along with an SSL certificate.
Additionally we'll also host your Act! database online at no cost.

No more sales quotas!

No more sales quotas, pipeline reports, or struggling to stay in your current partner tier. When you join the KPP, all the pressure is lifted as your tier placement is locked. Finally you can focus on what you do best, and leave the sales & marketing to our team of professionals.

Exclusive Money Making Tools

Use exclusive sales tools like our Konfigurator to quote customers on their software needs, or simply use our affiliate links to make money passively while your customers buy through our shopping cart. And speaking of our shopping cart, we've customized that to support easily quoting your customers, as well!

Priority Support on Add-ons

Priority support with all our add-ons, including Handheld Contact, Act4outlook, Tables4act, the Knowtifier, MailManager, Book2act, Webplanner, and more.

Weekly Training

Weekly training meetings on all our add-ons to ensure you can sell & support them with confidence, as well as inside information on product roadmaps.

We fight on your behalf

If ever there is a dispute with Swiftpage over ROR, commission entitlement, disciplinary issues, or even your reseller statement, you'll have the largest reseller in the world in your corner the whole way.

The Team you can trust

With over thirty current members of the Keystroke Partner Program, you have lots of peers you can get references from, many of which are community leaders and former BPAC members. The KPP is the program you can trust. 

No more Act! order placement headaches

Don't fret over calculating prorations, knowing loyalty or perpetual pricing, available promotions, ever-changing licensing rules, or even the fun new Swiftpage return policy, because we manage all new orders and renewals for you. This also means no more bad debts with Act! license sales!

More margin on add-ons

All Keystroke Partners receive a 30% reseller margin on Keystroke add-on  products compared to the 25% that registered KQC resellers get when they sign-up with us. That's 20% more profit, and it applies to all products we develop, including Handheld Contact.
Keystroke celebrated our 25th anniversary in 2019, with continuous business growth over the last decade. We are the Act! Master VAR for Canada, the #1 Act! reseller in the world, and we have over 30 full-time employees spread across Canada and the United States, with offices in Toronto, Montreal, and Kitchener. Keystroke boasts dedicated support, sales, accounting, development, HR, and marketing departments to ensure you and your customers are served as professionally as possible.

Click HERE to learn more about Keystroke.

Act! Certified Consultants (ACC) are an exclusive group of independent, trained, and authorized professionals who specialize in helping you implement Act! to run your business better. Members of the Keystroke Partner Programs are all independant Act! Certified Consultants, and bill separately for their services. Keystroke is in no way liable or responsible for any claims made to products or services provided by these third-party vendors. The Act! Certification is managed independently by Swiftpage.

500 Gordon Baker Road,
Toronto ON M2H 3B4
  1.800.857.0558 - 416.499.3090
  [email protected]