The Keystroke ACC Admin Pack
The Keystroke ACC AdminPack was originally built for Act! Consultants and Administrators by DesignR1 software, before we took it over in 2017. It was a "must have" for anyone managing one or more Act! databases for their business, and before we acquired the products, we were loyal subscribers ourselves.
Since the acquisition date, we've invested heavily in this subscription offering, including adding SCUD, BAH, and ELF (see details below).
In 2018, all these tools had to be rewritten to support the new security introduced with Act! v21, as Swiftpage implemented stronger encryption for the SQL SA password, making it harder for Administrators to perform simple tasks like password resets, anonymous Admin logins, and such.
This process also gave rise to a new supertool called AdminTools, which was written by Duane Anderson, the original architect of ACTDIAG.
Once all the utilities were updated to support v21, we compiled them all together into one simple, easy-to-manage "launcher" utility so consultants didn't have to carry around a dozen different utilities everywhere.
We're pleased to offer these powerful collection of utilities to our Keystroke Partners free of charge as yet another benefit of membership. Learn more about this collection below...

Our new AdminTool is the first utility to decrypt the new v21 SA password, as well as many user functions from outside of Act!, or across the network. Change the security role to any user, make them active or inactive, set passwords to blank, and check the last login and sync details. An essential tool for any Admin managing one or more databases. The AdminTool can also do the following:
- Restore withour username/password
- Export User list to Excel, and Disable/Enable user accounts
- Rebuild OLE2 DB objects
- Lock and unlock DB, as well as demoting and promoting (from Pro to Premium and reverse)
- Work locally or across a network (finds all SQL instances and connected databases), and then displays SQL info

AdminPack Launcher
The following tools are now accessible with AdminPack Launcher:
- Original Tools: Restore Without Username; JustLogin; Password Resetter; Nuke Entities; Export User List to Excel; Link Missing Attachments; Role Customizer; Importer4Act; Dependant DLLs Checker; User Copier; Swiss Army Knife 2.0 (a.k.a. BatchUpdater4act), Act2Act (a.k.a. Migrator4Act!); DB Indexer
- New Tools added since 2017: SCUD (Safe Contact User Deleter), ELF (Entity Link Fixer); BAH (Broken Activity Hunter)

"Just been helping out one of my team with a rather complex import. I'd just like to say (yet again) that your Importer4Act! is totally kick arse! In a single SQL migration script you can call in data from multiple data points, ensuring that everything joins and is correctly related. I'll grant it can seem like a difficult tool to use, but when it comes to doing bloody complex imports in one single sweep quickly...nothing, absolutely nothing compares to this time and resource saving utility. It also means I can save the script and import template so I don't get bothered by the team again! Hurrah!"
Vivek Gargav - September 2017

Formerly known as "Act to Act", this powerful utility copies everything from one database to another to help fix a broken database or bring everything over from an orphaned remote. Uses for Act! to Act! include:
- Copy the entire database, or select a group to transfer
- Create fields in the destination database
- Migrate some custom entities
- Migrate limited access with the records including teams
- Migration of users
- Delete the transferred contacts from source upon move
- and much, much more!
The rest of the tools included with our AdminPack
- JustLogin: is an Act! plugin that will enable you to enter the username “SUPERADMIN” (without the quotes) and be logged into any Act! database as an administrator, without changing any user passwords.
- Password Resetter: makes it easy to reset any user’s password to blank, without needing to know any active logins for a database.
- Nuke Entities: makes it easy to get rid of records you don’t want, or which are causing issues in the database. It can delete many different record types, including Secondary Contacts and Histories, and do it much faster than Act! itself.
- Export User List to Excel: does exactly what it says – just select your database and hit “Export” and within seconds you’ll be presented with an Excel spreadsheet detailing the users in the selected database, including their username, whether they have a password set, and their role.
- Link Missing Attachments: is a utility which can deal with converted databases where the attachments have gone missing. After selecting the database you want to use, and choosing between links or attachments, just hit start and any previously missing attachments that can be found will be re-attached to the database.
- Role Customizer:* allows you to quickly and easily change a user’s role, without the need to login to a database as an administrator, or even know a user’s username or password. Simply point the Role Changer at a PAD file, and you can start assigning roles to users immediately. Additionally, you can create custom roles, as well as redefine the permissions which are linked to the default roles. This is a killer selling point for your bigger customers.
- Dependent DLLs Checker: allows the ACC to quickly view what Act! Plugins are not loading. Whenever an Act! plugin fails, Act! will not load it ever again, unless you manually remove the dll from “purgatory.” This utility allows you to quickly and easily manage this process. It also provides a convenient way to delete DependentDLLs.xml.
- Reset IIS at 3am: As the name implies, this utility resets IIS at 3:00 am
- Sync Watcher: Tries to connect to the sync server every 5 minutes; if it gets an error or the services isn’t running it restarts the sync service.
- User Copier: Copies users from one database to another maintaining record IDs.
- Swiss Army Knife: An advanced tool that allows you to perform Excel-style modifications to your data directly inside of Act!. As well as make updates to your database that the software does not currently feature.
- Orphaned Attachment Deleter: Has two distinct capabilities that are both similar, but opposite sides of the coin. You can opt to perform either or both of these actions on a database:
- Identify files in the Attachments folder which are no longer linked to any History and deletes them. This helps keep syncs in check and reduces backup sizes.
- Identify Documents Tab entries which point to non-existent files and deletes them.
- BAH (Broken Activity Hunter): BAH allows you to scan for activities outside of Act! to find ones that are broken and affecting your calendar use. BAH can help you find bad activities and then delete them, thus restoring calendar functionality back to Act!.
- ELF (Entity Link Fixer): When custom tables are created, they are linked to contacts, groups, companies, and opportunities, and these linkages cannot be edited after creation. ELF can add or delete these links to save users from having to export all their data, create a new table, and then import the data back again.
- SCUD (Safe Contact User Deleter): SCUD does what its name implies and so much more. It is another one of our many-tools-in utilities, and allows you to manage user lists outside of Act!, decrypt the SA password, and more.
- Add, Edit, Delete users from outside Act!
- Reset Passwords, status and security role
- Delete User without breaking Histories
- Connect to local or remote SQL instances, and then all connected databases
- Decrypt SA Password
- Launch SQL protocols
- Display database statistics (number of contacts, companies, opps, activities, groups, notes and histories
You Save $360/year on AdminPack as a KPP
** Act! Certified Consultants (ACC) are an exclusive group of independent, trained, and authorized professionals who specialize in helping you implement Act! to run your business better. From initial set-up to customization for your specific needs, Act!’s worldwide network of consultants have the expertise, experience, and passion to get you up and running effectively-and keep you running smoothly. All independent Act! Certified Consultants, and bill separately for their services. Keystroke, Swiftpage, or their parent companies are in no way liable or responsible for any claims made to products or services provided by these third-party vendors. The Act! Certification is managed independently by Swiftpage.